Instant cryptocurrency exchange. Swap crypto with Best price

RevBit is a modern, secure platform for cryptocurrency trading, established in 2023. The service enables seamless and safe exchanges of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, BNB, and a vast array of altcoins, all at highly competitive rates.

You send
1 _ ≈
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You get
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41.357639 XRP
Exchange XRP to TRX

14 hours ago

0.037 BTC
Exchange BTC to ETH

14 hours ago

361 TRX
Exchange TRX to XRP

14 hours ago

0.114268 BTC
Exchange BTC to ETH

14 hours ago

41.357639 XRP
Exchange XRP to TRX

14 hours ago

0.037 BTC
Exchange BTC to ETH

14 hours ago

361 TRX
Exchange TRX to XRP

14 hours ago

Track the correlations of cryptocurrencies

Track the correlations of cryptocurrencies

Many coins follow the movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum, reflecting their trends. The analysis of these relationships helps to predict market changes and make more informed trading decisions.

Bid density: support and resistance levels

Bid density: support and resistance levels

The analysis of the order density shows where the major players place orders, which indicates the key support and resistance levels. This allows you to enter the market with the highest probability of success.

Volatility and volumes: the keys to cryptocurrency growth

Volatility and volumes: the keys to cryptocurrency growth

Tracking volatility and trading volumes also allows you to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics. High volatility indicates an increase in interest in the coin and a potential increase in its value.

How to Begin Trading on RevBit

Ready to coin swap with RevBit? Simple and understandable — that's our motto for easy exchange on RevBit.

Placing an Order on RevBit: Fast and Simple

Create an order on RevBit: just enter your crypto address and the amount, without unnecessary data or complicated registration.

Selecting Cryptocurrencies to Exchange

Choose your desired cryptocurrency from RevBit's extensive list of trading pairs. Everything is available in our calculator - just click and select.

Transaction Confirmation and Processing

Selected a cryptocurrency and entered the data? Now confirm the transaction. After that, RevBit will quickly process the exchange. New assets won't take long and will soon appear in your wallet.

Safe and Fast Exchange on RevBit

RevBit guarantees safe and fast transaction processing. Track the status in real time and check the transaction history.

Now you know how to exchange cryptocurrency on RevBit. Start with your first transaction and appreciate the convenience and security of our platform.